A linky party is being hosted by A Teeny Tiny Teacher and Miss Kindergarten!! And since today is 12-12-12, I thought it would be particularly appropriate to join in.

12. Favorite movie you watched: Lincoln. It was amazing. I can't believe how much Daniel Day Lewis actually looked like Lincoln.
11. Favorite TV series: Definitely, Big Bang Theory. Sheldon never fails to make me laugh!
10. Favorite restaurant: The Gardens of Taxco in West Hollywood, California. Too bad, I have to drive 700 miles to get there! It is the best restaurant on the planet.
9. Favorite new thing you tried: I got my first pedicure this year as a gift for my birthday, and it is something I will definitely do again! I never knew what I was missing.
8. Favorite gift you received: my husband, healthy and happy, after having had heart surgery.
6. My favorite blog post: I don't think I've been doing this long enough to have a favorite yet!
5. My favorite accomplishment: hmmmmmm . . . I'll have to keep pondering this one.
4. Favorite picture: a picture I took of my boys (well, only one of them is actually mine, but the other two are Godchildren so I count them, too!) on a trip to Oregon. Please pardon the blasphemy that is UCLA and USC together! Where did he even get a USC shirt!???!!
3. Favorite memory: spending two days driving to California with my son. It was nice to have time just talking with him (those of you that have teenagers will understand this one!).
2. Goal for 2013: To continue working on my PhD; one more year of coursework to go, and of course that little thing called a dissertation! I must be crazy.
1. One little word: Optimism; Keep putting one foot in front of the other with a smile on my face.
Thanks for the linky party!! It was nice to reflect upon the past year and think about the good things that have happened.
So glad to hear that your husband is happy and healthy. I've heard Lincoln is really good. I want to see it.
ReplyDeleteI'm having a giveaway on my blog if you would like to check it out!
The Hive